Restaurant Impossible Crew Receives Appreciation Gift Blankets...
Restaurant Impossible Crew Receives Appreciation Gift Blankets... Each year the producer Marc Summers gave the crew of the television show Restaurant Impossible on The Cooking Channel a holiday gift showing appreciation for their hard work. Cary Winston of Winston Promotions met with Marc Summers to review creative and unique ideas for gifts that had not previously been used or given. Cary encouraged this cozy, soft blanket to be embroidered with the name of the show and everyone LOVED IT! Summers even took the time to call Winston back to say that this blanket was the most well-received gift ever presented to the crew. Most of the crew lived on the East Coast, so the blanket was very functional for their cold winters. You can get these blankets to brand your business through Winston Promotions. Cary would be happy to speak with you and assist you with your order. www,